Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4


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Humpty 1

"Art though an ornament for thy merry wall? Shake thy royal hand lest I send my men against thee so that ye feel the weight of thy sword!"

Humpty 2

"Yechhhhhhhhhh!." You know the rest of the story.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

"I know what your thinking about",said Tweedledum;
"but it isn't so nohow.
""Contrariwise,continued Tweedledee,
"if it was so ,it might be;but as it isn't,it ain't.That's logic".


"I used Truespaces Plastiform tool to create the Tunnel.The Beelike creatures pulling the chariot were envisioned in a dream...er,nightmare.They were fashioned with Metaballs and the sweep tool."


"This is an old steam engine known as a K-36. I worked on this piece sporadically for five months. The original was rendered as a .tga at a resolution of 2400X1800 and has a lot of detail."

"A creaky old book with dust to hide.
awaiting the curious to unveil inside,
an idea or pondering to them that read,
perhaps a wellspring to nourish a seed.
So that somewhere within pages stacked in reams,
may inspire the creative in a new book of dreams".
The end (for now).

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Computer artwork and web page designed  by Craig Ingalls.Artwork is not to be used or reproduced without the express permission of the artist .